Changes in Vision after Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

A woman's body undergoes several changes both during and after pregnancy. Due to so many transformations, the working of the internal body systems is affected and a woman might face some visibility issues post pregnancy. Minute blurriness or dizziness is common after pregnancy. Some of the causes for noticeable changes in the vision include:


1. Blurriness

The fluid retention capacity of the ducts present in the eyes is sometimes compromised after childbirth. This can result in a distorted or blurred vision since the cornea is unable to retain its regular shape.

2. Pituitary Adenoma

Even though this condition is rare but some women develop a tumor in the pituitary gland. This condition can hamper the secretion of hormones in a normal way and hence cause vision problems.

3. Hypertension

Not every woman is comfortable with such a big change. Some women are a lot stressed out during the entire period of their pregnancy and when the time of childbirth nears, their stress levels rise significantly. In medical terms, such a condition is known as
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension or PIH.

4. Gestational Diabetes

A woman might witness a fluctuation in the sugar levels just after childbirth. Such drastic changes can cause damage to the blood vessels attached to the retina and can result in a blurred vision.

5. Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is caused due to high blood pressure which can hamper vision post pregnancy.


Some of the symptoms of vision changes after pregnancy include dizziness, the appearance of flashing lights, double vision, eye strain, light sensitivity, and blurriness.


There is nothing to worry about if a woman encounters vision changes after childbirth. It is completely normal and temporary condition. The symptoms usually persist for about six to eight months after which things start to go back to normal. Some of the treatments that cure vision problems after childbirth include:

1. Gestational Diabetes Treatment

Gestational diabetes can be treated with the help of a balanced diet and a regular exercise routine.

2. Preeclampsia Treatment

An anticonvulsant or a corticosteroid can be taken on prescription by a doctor in order to treat Preeclampsia.

3. Blurred Vision Treatment

If blurriness in the vision persists, you can consult an ophthalmologist for new contact lenses or a laser eye surgery.

4. Dry Eyes Treatment

Usually, a saline solution used by contact lens wearers can cure the problem. You can also consult an expert ophthalmologist for some effective eye drops.